Availability of holiday accommodation at

Tu Emuz as at 1/3/24

Please note; the green shaded dates are the nights that are available. For up to date availability please contact us directly.

To book, please contact

Wilma Oomen +61 400 848361 by phone or text.

For bookings up to June 2025, including Easter and Xmas 2024, contact 0400 848361.

Website discount prices:

2 guests $250 pn until 28/09/24, then $295.

3 guests $275 pn until 28/09/24, then $320.

4 guests $300 pn until 28/09/24, then $345.

Weekly: Stay 7, pay 6.

Plus $150 cleaning fee. Minimum 2 nights.

The above prices do not apply to the Christmas - New Year week, the month of January and Easter. Price on application.